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8 Ways to Reward Yourself Without Eating Something.

When I ask my clients "what is something you use to reward yourself that isn't food?"

Almost every time, there is silence.

It doesn't mean we can't make foods special, indulgent, and savored. It just means that if we get into the habit of EATING being the happiest outcome and the solution to all of our problems, we can lose sight of the real reason for eating - nourishment and fuel. Instead, eating becomes about entertainment and emotional support. Needs that food and eating aren't capable of satisfying.

SO, here are a few of my favorite NON-food rewards and ways to escape...

Buy yourself a new plant. Bonus: extra oxygen!

1.) Buy Yourself Flowers:

Trader Joe's has some fantastic $2.99 daffodils right now, so this doesn't have to be a pricey thing.

Having flowers in my house feels like good self-care. It inspires me to keep the house tidy and puts a smile on my face.

FREE app that allows you to set goals (take a trip, get a new phone, etc) and then set "rules" to get there. These rules can be "walk 5,000 steps" or "workout for 30 minutes" or "spend less money at Whole Foods this week".

Each time you do any of those rules, whatever amount of money you want ($0.50, $5, etc) automatically gets put toward your goal.

3.) DIY Face Mask/Bubble Bath/Foot Rub:

Unless you want to go to the spa, which is cool too!

For those of us suffering with combination skin at home:

Face Mask:

- 1 Tablespoon Greek Yogurt

- 1 teaspoon raw honey

- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric

- 1 teaspoon aloe (fresh if possible - otherwise just don't get the stuff that's dyed neon green_

Mix all the ingredients together, and apply for 10 minutes.

4.) Day Trip:

My go-to is any botanical garden. Mitchel Park Conservatory, Lincoln Park Conservatory, Chicago Botanical Gardens are some of my tops.

Other day trips: museums, craft fairs, concerts, anything that is YOU taking YOU on a special date.

And yes, you DO have the time. Don't try to find the time, MAKE the time.

If you go to a nursery to buy those flowers for yourself, you can walk around the greenhouses as a bonus freebie :)

5.) Creative Escape:

Doodling, knitting, making a photo album online.

Something that lets us be present.

If there's stress associated with it (like if you are a professional artist and have a deadline), then consider something else.

6.) New Workout Clothes:

Two birds, one stone. A little retail therapy PLUS the snazzier you feel, the more likely you are to show up at the gym.

7.) The Fancy Candles:

Not too pricey and very comforting. Especially in cold weather.

Look for led-free wicks.

8.) Clean Sheets:

What feels better than a hot shower and crisp, clean sheets? Nothing. And it's free.

Need more personalized help reaching your goals? Let's work together. I can help you take your wellness visions and make them a reality.

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The Author:

Hi! My name is Sarah. I'm into clean eating, traveling (beach please), helping folks eat and feel better, gardening (not very well), and bopping around my neighborhood with my dog. Thanks for reading!

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